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Port 80 - HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Port 443 - HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS
Port 591 - FileMaker 6.0 (and later) Web Sharing (HTTP Alternate, also see port 80)
Port 593 - HTTP RPC Ep Map
Port 981 - SofaWare Technologies Remote HTTPS management for firewall devices running embedded Check Point FireWall-1 software
Port 1311 - Dell OpenManage HTTPS
Port 1920 - IBM Tivoli Monitoring Console HTTPs
Port 2031 - Mobrien Chat
Port 3100 - HTTP used by Tatsoft as the default listen port
Port 3128 - HTTP used by Web caches and the default for the Squid (software)
Port 3128 - HTTP used by Tatsoft as the default client connection
Port 4567 - Sinatra default server port in development mode (HTTP)
Port 4711 - McAfee Web Gateway 7 - Default GUI Port HTTP
Port 4712 - McAfee Web Gateway 7 - Default GUI Port HTTPS
Port 5104 - IBM Tivoli Framework NetCOOL/Impact HTTP Service
Port 5800 - VNC remote desktop protocol for use over HTTP
Port 6005 - Default for Camfrog Chat & Cam Client
Port 7000 - Default for Vuze's built in HTTPS Bittorrent Tracker
Port 7001 - Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTP server, though often changed during installation
Port 7002 - Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTPS server, though often changed during installation
Port 8008 - HTTP Alternate
Port 8008 - IBM HTTP Server administration default
Port 8011 - Symon Communications Event and Query Engine
Port 8080 - HTTP alternate (http_alt) commonly used for Web proxy and caching server, or for running a Web server as a non-root user
Port 8081 - HTTP alternate, VibeStreamer, e.g. McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO)
Port 8090 - HTTP Alternate (http_alt_alt) used as an alternative to port 8080
Port 8243 - HTTPS listener for Apache Synapse
Port 8280 - HTTP listener for Apache Synapse
Port 8888 - Sun Answerbook - DWhttpd Server
Port 8888 - GNUmp3d HTTP music streaming and Web interface
Port 8888 - Common - HTTP Alternative Port
Port 9080 - WebSphere Application Server HTTP Transport (port 1) default
Port 11371 - OpenPGP HTTP key server
Port 16080 - Mac OS X Server Web (HTTP) service with performance cache
Port 21011 - AMLFilter, AMLFilter Inc. amlf-engine-01 default http port
Port 21012 - AMLFilter, AMLFilter Inc. amlf-engine-01 default https port
Port 21021 - AMLFilter, AMLFilter Inc. amlf-engine-02 default http port
Port 21022 - AMLFilter, AMLFilter Inc. amlf-engine-02 default https port
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