Welcome to the What Port Is network port and protcol blog, most of the posts will relate to the site development and announcements, however we'll also try cover some more interesting things, stay tuned!
TCP is an abbreviation for the Transmission Control Protocol, which is a network-based protocol defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force as part of RFC793. The protocol defines how two computers are able to exchange packets of data between themselves via an IP-based network.
When a computer wishes to transfer data from one machine to another, it is able to break the application data down into packets that an IP network can deliver. However, a protocol such as TCP is then needed to manage the reliable transfer of data to the correct application.
TCP is a protocol which bases its fundamental logic around a connection state, this means that a client device will establish and maintain a connection with an application on a server, only once the connection is established will the two devices begin to transfer data/packets, eventually once complete the connection will close.
Because of the connection state TCP is able to provide reliable delivery of packets, and therefore error-free delivery of the encapsulated data. It will perform flow control of the packets, retransmission of dropped or malformed packets as required.
Created At: 2017-05-09 15:25:48 | Author: Tom
We now have a contact page live, please use this if you would like to get in touch, with regards to advertising, just a general chat, or because you have an idea for the site you would like implemented.
Created At: 2017-05-07 18:23:15 | Author: Tom
Another weekend update completed, so here's a quick review of the changes now live.
- New blog system live (this is the first post)
- Ports now have comments, we'll use these comments to improve the content.
- Avatars are integrated, using at the moment on comments, will be expanded later
- New moderation system (backend improvements)
- Search performance and accuracy improvements
Created At: 2017-05-07 13:31:10 | Author: Tom