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Brief Description
<p>Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - Used by client networked computers to get content from web servers, typically on the internet.</p>
Detailed Description
<p>Used by client networked computers to get content from web servers, typically on the internet.</p> <p>HTTP is short for HyperText Transfer Protocol, which is a very common protocol used on the world wide web (aka Internet), the main purpose of the protocol is to allow a user/client to request content from a remote web server, and then via the HTTP connection the server will return the content or an error message.</p> <p>When browsing websites you will generally notice that your web browser uses either a HTTP or <a href="../../ports/443_https-hypertext-transfer-protocol-over-ssltls">HTTPs</a> connection, identifiable by the acronym proceeding the website URL.</p> <p><a href="../../ports/443_https-hypertext-transfer-protocol-over-ssltls">HTTPs</a> provides much of the same functionality, but via a certificate secured connection, apposed to the HTTP clear text connection.</p>
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